Autism Spectrum Disorder in Adults
Mindy Lawrence
Autism is a serious disease that can be anywhere from mild to severe. Most often the cases we hear about are when children are diagnosed with the disease in their first years of life. However, adults can deal with this challenge as well.
It is possible for individuals to be diagnosed with ADA when they are adults. They may have high-functioning autism where they can do most things normally but act differently without realizing it. They may have trouble communicating or with emotional and behavioral difficulties.
Diagnostic criteria for adult autism are in development but not available now. In-person observations and interactions with a clinician. Begin with your family doctor to make sure there are no underlying reasons for the diagnosis.
What is Autism Spectrum Disorder? Centers for Disease Control
Everything you Need to Know about Autism in Adults, Healthline, Ana Gotter and David Rossiaky
Autism Symptoms and Diagnosis in Adults, Autism Research Institute
Autism in Adults: Recognizing the Signs, Living with a Diagnosis