Do you hear burgers and fries calling you? Do you long for Rocky Road ice cream and Coke or Pepsi? Maybe your brain doesn’t like that diet. Studies have found that poor eating habits can affect your thinking and your mental health.
In the Premier Neurology Center’s article “10 Foods that Improve Brain Health,” the good foods they mention are:
Blueberries: these are at the top of most of the articles written. If not at the top, they are on many lists. They can reduce inflammation, which fights against brain aging.
Eggs: Eggs are on many yes/no lists. Some see them as helpful. Some see them as contributing to Cholesterol problems. Eggs contains B vitamins which helps to slow cognitive decline.
Fatty Fish: Large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids are found in fatty fish such as trout, salmon, and sardines. Omegs-3s guard against the development of learning problems and depression.
Leafy Greens: Broccoli, collards, spinach, and kale contain various nutrients such as vitamin K, lutein, folate, and beta carotene. All of these cause the build =up of fats in the brain cells, this process increases memory.
Nuts: Nuts help with improved cognition and slower mental decline. The fats, antioxidants, and vitamin E that they contain is beneficial to both the brain and the heart.
Pumpkin Seeds: Pumpkin seeds contain several healthy ingredients including antioxidants, zine, magnesium, copper, and iron. These help memory and guard against brain fog.
Tea and Coffee: The caffeine in tea and coffee boost brain function and alertness.
Turmeric: This dark-yellow spice that is found in curry powder is both an antioxidant and anti-inflammation. Turmeric has been associated with improved memory, less depression, and the growth of new brain cells.
Whole Grains: Whole grains contain vitamin E which protects and preserves healthy cells.vitamin E preserves brain function and prevents neurodegeneration.
If you make these good choices when you eat, your brain may thank you.
You will find more links than normal at the bottom of this post because this topic is so varied. Using nutrition for mental health is best done by eating good foods on a regular basis.
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